Sunday, July 28, 2019

Criticism on the Metamorphosis and analyze on Metamorphosis - Kafka Research Proposal

Criticism on the Metamorphosis and analyze on Metamorphosis - Kafka - Research Proposal Example Yet, Kafka’s message is deeper. He seems not to desire Gregor’s salvation from death, but his death from the society should serve as salvation. Gregor’s condition may seem similar to the condition of those dying from mortal diseases. The very beginning of the story indicates to such a point of view. â€Å"One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin†. It is easy to imagine a person who once learns an awful diagnosis of his and informs his family of it. As he wakes up in the morning he finds out that his family’s attitude to him has changed entirely. Now Gregor is not able to earn his old parents and small sister’s living, and this is the only question which really troubles him. However, his family is frightened and feels disgust. His parents do not even want to hear of him or see him. Only his younger sister, whose head is full of romantic images, â€Å"sacrifices† herself caring of her sick brother. However, Grete stops perceiving her elder brother as a human being. She is squeamish about touching his personal thi ngs and hurries to the window to open it and air the room, as if it is filled with poison. Grete avoids looking at her brother and doesn’t address him. Gregor’s mother faints at Gregor’s sight. Gregor’s father feels such disgust that even injures his son â€Å"protecting† himself from the sick. Mr. Samsa doesn’t allow Gregor to leave the room. The whole family perceives Gregor’s condition as shame. At first the family tries not to treat Gregor as an enemy, while â€Å"family duty required the suppression of disgust and the exercise of patience, nothing but patience†. However, after the three gentlemen deny paying rent on the pretence of having shared the apartment with such a monster, even Grete bursts out, exclaiming – â€Å"We must try to get rid of it!†, – and Mrs. Samsa entirely

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